Monday, July 13, 2009

MLB's All-Star Game is 2morrow, Who Will WIN!?!?

If you know me then you know that I'm partially bias, well actually I am just bias! I think The AL (American League) will win and convincingly at that! I mean the NL probably has the league's best sluggers, but with 5 Redsox sprinkled with a Few Yankees the AL is all but guaranteed to win! All nonesense aside though, it should be a great game. St. Louis is a beautiful city and I'm sure the fans and players will have a blast. I am also looking forward to seeing Pujols and Howard go at it in the Homerun challenge. I think Pujols will take home the crown, but then again it can go either way. Besides in recent years no one seems to take the event that serious anyway...

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